
Some of my favorite educational and technical resources




  • CppCast: The legendary C++ podcast currently hosted by Phil Nash and Timur Doumler, both part of the ISO C++ standards committee. They usually interview a guest on a particular topic related to C++.
  • Algorithms + Data Structure = Programming: Hosted by Conor Hoekstra and Bryce Lelbach, two NVIDIA employees that discuss casually various aspects of algorithms and parallel programming.
  • C++ Club: Hosted by various members of the standards committee (including Bjarne Stroustrup!). They discuss current news in the world of C++.
  • (discontinued)


Low-Level Programming and Hardware

  • TLB Hit: TLB hit is a podcast about systems and compilers by Chris Leary and JF Bastien.
  • Microarch Club: The art, science, and history of processor design.


  • Acquired: Amazing podcast hosted by two venture capitalists discussing in depth the history of large successful companies.
  • Making Sense with Sam Harris: Sam Harris discusses various topics relating to current events.
  • The Ezra Klein Show: New York Times opinion podcast hosted by Ezra Klein.
  • Matter of Opinion: Weekly podcast hosted by opinion columnists from the New York Times.

đź“° Blogs


Performance Optimizations

Quantum Chemistry

đź’» Programming Projects

Quantum Chemistry

Performance Engineering

  • Denis Bakhvalov’s Performance Ninja Course: A superb assortment of performance related assignments covering topics in core bound (e.g., vectorization and compiler intrinsics) and memory bound operations (e.g., loop tiling and memory alignment). Also check out his amazing book on “Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPU”, which has just been updated with the second edition. A hard copy of the book can be purchased from Amazon, but a digital version is also hosted on GitHub.